Patch 8.1

Patch Notes:

  • Character Changes:
    • Sniper:
      • Passive:
        • Passive Max Count: 65 ---> 75
      • Attack:
        • Recoil: 0.08 ---> 0.09
        • Damage: 19 ---> 18
      • Special:
        • Cooldown: 9 seconds ---> 10 seconds
        • Damage: 80% of CURRENT Health ---> 70% of CURRENT Health
    • Controller:
      • Attack:
        • Attack Speed: 450 ---> 475
    • Bombking:
      • Passive:
        • Passive Change: Along with gaining health everytime Bombking picks up a bomb pick-up, if a Bombking is spawned into a map, all of the pick-ups in the map will turn into bomb pick-ups.
      • Passive:
        • Reincarnation Shield: Gains 3 additional seconds of immunity when Vecna respawns.
      • Attack:
        • Fists of Fury: Vecna has a chargeable attack that is activated by holding the attack key down. Vecna's attack has 5 stages of charges, the longer you hold the attack down, the higher charge it becomes. The higher the charge, of an attack, the more damage it does and the bigger the attack becomes; however, this all comes at a cost of attack speed.
      • Special:
        • Last Encounter: Vecna forms a ring around himself. If an enemy enters the ring, the enemy will start levitating. After they have risen from the ground, Vecna will teleport to the enemy and start draining their HP. Vecna will start stealing the enemy's HP and he will make it his. Vecna is not able to move during this whole process, and he is completely vulnerable to attacks; however, so is the enemy.
  • Map Changes:
    • UnderWater Map:
      • The UnderWater Map has been removed. This is due to the very low play rate and very stale gameplay.
    • NEW MAP:
      • Underground Mine Map
    • City Map:
      • Sudden Death Time: 20 seconds ---> 60 seconds
    • Jungle Map:
      • Sudden Death Time: 20 seconds ---> 60 seconds
    • Pit Map:
      • Sidden Death Time: 15 seconds ---> 55 seconds
    • Spikes:
      • The spikes are no longer material objects, so the clunckyness of the spikes have been fixed.
  • Other Changes:
    • Live System:
      • Each player now has 3 lives. Once a player reaches 0 HP, they will respawns and lose a life. Once a player teachers 0 lives, they are elimnated.

Files Play in browser
Aug 15, 2022

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